THURSDAY 03/04/2021

On the 4th of March we are demonstrating against the suppression of climate activism in Norway by protesting at Norwegian embassies around the world!

The context is that Norway is the 7th largest exporter of CO2 to the atmosphere, when taking into account the export of oil and gas to other countries. With its population of 5 million people, Norway covers 2% of global demand for oil and 3% of global demand for gas. XR Norway is rebelling against the injustice that one of the richest, most privileged countries on earth is disproportionately contributing to the climate crisis felt by the global south.

On the 21st of September 2020, more than a hundred rebels joined in a peaceful action on the streets in central Oslo and blocked the entrance to the Oil and Energy Ministry. As a result, 53 people were arrested and taken to detention. They spent 10 to 15 hours in isolation in detention, before they were given a fine of 17.000 to 19.000 NOK (1600 to 1800 Euros). In our opinion, this reaction is in contravention of Article 11 of the European Human Rights Convention, which guarantees freedom of peaceful assembly. Why is it that the Oil State of Norway cannot tolerate civil disobedience in the fight for climate justice?

The Norwegian government is particularly vulnerable to international criticism, because Norway is a small country which depends on a good image internationally. As such, Norway is an easy target for international pressure, because Norwegian government politicians acknowledge the severity of the climate emergency while at the same time handing out new licenses for oil companies to explore for more oil, among other places in the Arctic. The contradictions are striking, and what is required is for citizens in other countries to protest the hypocrisy of the Norwegian government.

XR Norway calls for rebels around the world to stand in solidarity with the 53 rebels who are on trial for protesting oil and gas extraction in Norway. On the 4th of March, rebels of XR Norway will hold a non-violent action at the Ministry of Justice in Oslo. XR Norway asks rebels to assemble peacefully on the same date outside Norwegian embassies and consulates in their respective countries with the message “To the Oil State of Norway: Stop Suppressing Climate Activism!”/ “Erna Solberg: We See the Hypocrisy”

This will receive massive coverage in Norway, because Norway is a country which prides itself in being a democratic country with good international standing, and if this message is heard in many countries simultaneously it will burst the self-image of the Norwegian government. Joining this demonstration is a small effort with a large effect.

There is going to be two meetings to discuss the action on February 3rd and 17th at 7pm UTC at this zoom link:

Launch Meeting - Zoom.

We wish for groups that are planning to join in the action to write to beforehand.

Rebel for life!

Published 01/23/2021