Newsletter #10 XR Oslo

XR UiO arrange die-in on campus

Newsletter in English.

Get to know Georgiana from Artivisme Oslo

Die in in front of the ivory tower

Wednesday January 29th 14:00 XR UiO will arrange their first action - a die-in in front of the University library, Georg Svedrups hus.

The aim of the action is to influence the long-time strategy for the university, which will be passed in February, to focus on climate in a much larger degree.

The universities play a major role in the formation of our society and our future, therefore the University of Oslo sits on a great potential. A green future needs green universities! The action is open to all and XR UiO hope that people who care about the cause will come to support and participate.

What will happen, what has been happening

The brainstorm about protesting oil drilling in the Great Australian Bight last Wednesday was successful! We mainly worked with three concrete actions against Eqinor. Next Wednesday the groups will meet again to continue planning. Join us!

In March Andreas Johnson will come to Norway. He is the principal of Holma Folkehøyskole in Skåne, where Sociocracy is practised as an organisational model. Andreas will hold a course about sociocracy for Extinction Rebellion and the permaculture association. The course in Oslo will be held at Bykuben. Sociocracy is similar to holocracy, which XR is based on.

This will be an important and exiting course. But to make it all happen we need volunteers to help organize it. Can you help? Please send an email to:

Newsletter in English

The newsletter for XR Oslo will from now on also be published in English. This way our English speaking rebels will be able to keep up with protest events and all of the other brilliant stuff going on in our different groups.

You will find the translation every week at the news section of .

Greetings from the field

In the newsletters for XR Oslo we give you a series of interviews with the people who make up the local group. In this column you will get to know the faces behind the workgroups of XR Oslo, read about what drives them and gain insight in how they work.

Georgiana Keable works as a storyteller and leader at Fortellerhuset. Georgiana is also an author. She has written the book The Natural Storyteller – 48 stories about man as a part of nature.

- I am currently enjoying writing a new book. It will be something similar, only for small children, says Georgiana.

She has been with XR since February 2019 and fills the role as an external coordinator in Artivisme Oslo. The Artivisme-group stands for the artistic aspect of the rebellion and the art is everything but uniform and drab.

- Artivisme is a fantastic set of people. We have fun and work hard. Every second week we rehearse with our choir. Singing is usually a part of our actions, which gives a very different impression than shouting. Then we have the Red Rebels who have just started off but are growing quickly. Their performance is quiet, weird and emotional. I think we will see more of them in the actions that are coming. Something completely new is DISCObedience. We will have a workshop about just that on Wednesday, January 29th, at 17:00-19:00, says Georgiana.

Despite an already varied catalogue, the artivism-group is looking for more contributions.

- We will need musicians and artist of all kinds for the Oslo-rebellion. Creativity in all forms is welcome, says Georgiana.

- Why have you chosen XR as your arena for your environmental activism?

- It is necessary to act now. XR gives me the energy to act. As a breathing, thinking, feeling being with the possibility to contribute, she says.

Artivisme is arranging a work group every Wednesday 17:00-19:00 at Greenhouse.

Overview of the week

Here is the overview of this week’s activities on Greenhouse, where we have our offices and meeting rooms. The address is: Schweigaards gate 34C .

Wednesday January 29th

16:00-17:00: Rebell kafé (room: Bruket, 1st. floor)

Here you can come to chill out after a long, hectic workday. If you are new in XR or are considering joining we will assist you and answer questions about who we are, what we do and how you can become active in the Oslo-group. Contact:

17:00-19:00: Plan-meeting Equinor in Australia (room: Høna, 3rd. floor)

XRN XRN will be doing a series of coordinated actions and gatherings against Equinors oil-drilling in the Great Australian Bight together with XR Australia. We will continue the planning. Come join us to affect how these actions will be! Contact:

17:00-19:00: Introcourse DNA (room: Jungelen, 5th. floor)

A mutual understanding of XRs principles and values – the movement’s DNA – will make it easier for us to coordinate and create solidarity across work groups, local groups and countries. This is how we can focus our powers to achieve our three demands. This is why we wish all new members welcome to this introductory course, which we call “the DNA course”. Contact:

17:00-19:00: Open working space (rom: Hesten, 6th. floor)

In the open working space you can come work if you think it’s nicer to work with XR-stuff with others. Bring your own project or join a group. Regenerative culture and the action group is arranging. Contact:

Remember the die-in at The University of Oslo, Wednesday January 29th. 14:00 !

Introductory course part 2

The DNA course consists of two parts.

Have you completed the first part of the course?

Sign up for the second part now!

Do you want an active role in XRN?

You can join Extinction Rebellion Norway on our website , after which you will be contacted by us. We are facing high demand and only have a small group of volunteers to onboard new members, so it may take some time to process your registration.

As an active member of Extinction Rebellion you will receive the opportunity to make a difference which will be noticed. On our internal members forum, the Base, you will be able to find an overview of tasks one can work on. All such 'job postings' are published on the Base under the category NAV rebellion.

Suggestions for the newsletter?

Send images and suggestions to

In order to pay the rent at Greenhouse, XR Oslo is dependent of economic support from its members!

Do you want to support XR Oslo? Account number: 12546307415 | Vipps: 585136