Nyhetsbrev #11 XR Oslo

Report from the die-in at Blindern.

Course in non-violent direct action.

Get to know Kaja from GAM Oslo.

Report from the die-in at Blindern

Wednesday January 29th XR UiO arranged a die-in at the University library to demand that the University of Oslo acknowledge the climate crisis and act as if their house was on fire.

A large number of students, academic staff and librarians showed up and applauded the action. People around showed interest and curiosity for the flyers being handed out.

- I thought it was a great action. As an institution of knowledge UiO has a huge responsibility to convey the seriousness of the situation and should declare radical climate ambition. It was great to see so many people joining the action and the response it created, says Anna Smith, who was one of the people arranging the action.

Find out more about XR UiO !

Join an NVDA course

We want everyone who consider being a part of future actions to join non-violent direct-action training (IVDA in Norwegian).

In the course of the training you will get the opportunity to reflect upon different situations, how you would react and what kind of choices you wish to make.

The training will be held at Greenhouse Sunday February 23rd, 10:00-19:00 . Food will be served in the breaks.

Register to join by February 16th .

Contact: XRN-NVDA@extinctionrebellion.no

Greetings from the field

In the newsletters for XR Oslo we give you a series of interviews with the people who make up the local group. In this column you will get to know the faces behind the workgroups of XR Oslo, read about what drives them and gain insight in how they work.

Kaja Mainardi quit her job in 2018 after 18 years in the same firm. After this she has been working for animal rights, climate and environment through organizations like Noah, World Saving Hustle and Oslo Vegetarfestival.

- I call myself a fulltime activist and I am very interested in helping others becoming active, she says.

After seeing a debate in Kulturhuset where XR was represented she joined the movement January 2019. She is actively involved in planning actions as a part of the group Gule aksjoner og markeringer (GAM, meaning yellow actions and demonstrations).

- We plan yellow actions, which is actions where we don’t try to be arrested. It’s important to show that people can contribute in every way in XR. We wish to include everyone in society who share XR’s vision about non-violent actions for our time’s most important cause. Everyone can join GAM and we want many more!

- Why have you chosen XR as your arena for your environmental activism?

- After being at Opprørsforedraget I became very motivated to participate in this movement. I wanted to be a part of something that shows how much people wish to change and at the same time challenge today’s society. XR get things done and I felt like I didn’t have a choice. Either you decide to fight, or you continue like nothing is happening. I have spent too much time on things I thought was important. Now I have the opportunity to do the right thing instead, says Kaja.

Overview of the week

Here is the overview of this week’s activities on Greenhouse, where we have our offices and meeting rooms. The address is: Schweigaards gate 34C .

Wednesday, February 5th

16:00-17:00: Rebell kafé (room: Bruket, 1st floor)

Here you can come to chill out after a long, hectic workday. If you are new in XR or are considering joining we will assist you and answer questions about who we are, what we do and how you can become active in the Oslo-group. Contact: FellesskapOslo@extinctionrebellion.no

17:00-19:00: Introcourse DNA (room: Jungelen, 5th floor)

A mutual understanding of XRs principles and values – the movement’s DNA – will make it easier for us to coordinate and create solidarity across work groups, local groups and countries. This is how we can focus our powers to achieve our three demands. This is why we wish all new members welcome to this introductory course, which we call “the DNA course”. Contact: DNAOslo@extinctionrebellion.no

17:00-19:00: Open working space (room: Hesten, 6th floor)

In the open working space, you can come work if you think it’s nicer to work with XR-stuff with others. Bring your own project or join a group. Regenerative culture and the action group is arranging. Contact: FellesskapOslo@extinctionrebellion.no

19:30-21:00: Choir practice (rom: Hesten, 6th floor)

Come sing with us! You do not need any previous experience, only joy for singing. The choir is for being cantors at actions. But we also sing some more advanced songs and enjoy ourselves a lot! Contact: ArtivismeOslo@extinctionrebellion.no

Sunday February 9th

10:00-17:00: The Work that Reconnects (OBS! Fjørtoftsvei 117A, Stovner)

The workshop is about honouring our pain for the world and see with new eyes: This one-day seminary is based on the work of Joanna Macy. It explores grief, gratefulness and grace as answers to the planet’s state of emergency. Registration by Wednesday 5th. See the Facebook-event for additional information. Contact: RegenerativKulturOslo@extinctionrebellion.no

The blood we share with all species

The Red Rebels act in the intersection between art and activism. This is protest as performance.

With statue-like, white painted faces and stunning red gowns, the silent, slow theatre manifests a range of emotions through gestures and movement: grief, joy, hope and love.

In the next weeks the Red Rebels will be responsible for several happenings.

Saturday February 15th 13:00-16:00 at Greenhouse, there will be a workshop in philosophy and movement . The workshop is suitable for everyone, but especially for new group members.

Saturday February 29th 12:00-16:00 at Greenhouse, there will be a costume-workshop , where you will get the opportunity to make your own costume together with other Red Rebels.

Saturday March 7th 12:00-16:00 there will be an action in Oslo . Meet up at Greenhouse for changing, make-up and warming up before the Red Rebels slowly take the streets of Oslo!

Newsletter in English

The newsletter for XR Oslo will from now on also be published in English.

This way our English speaking rebels will be able to keep up with protest events and all of the other brilliant stuff going on in our different groups.

You will find the translation every week at the news section of extinctionrebellion.no .

Introductory course part 2

The DNA course consists of two parts.

Have you completed the first part of the course? Sign up for the second part now!

Do you want an active role in XRN?

You can join Extinction Rebellion Norway on our website , after which you will be contacted by us. We are facing high demand and only have a small group of volunteers to onboard new members, so it may take some time to process your registration.

As an active member of Extinction Rebellion you will receive the opportunity to make a difference which will be noticed. On our internal members forum, the Base, you will be able to find an overview of tasks one can work on. All such 'job postings' are published on the Base under the category NAV rebellion.

Suggestions for the newsletter?

Send images and suggestions to MediaOslo@extinctionrebellion.no

In order to pay the rent at Greenhouse, XR Oslo is dependent of economic support from its members!

Do you want to support XR Oslo? Account number: 12546307415 | Vipps: 585136