Nyhetsbrev #12 XR Oslo

Green light for green investments.

Last chance to join non-violent direct-action training.

Get to know Nikolai from Media og budskap Oslo.

Green light for green investments

The Norwegian Oil Fund is sponsoring the climate crisis. The Oil Fund has shares in 341 oil and gas companies. The shares in these companies is worth about 320 billion NOK. This autumn the organization Fremtiden i våre hender highlighted the fact that the Oil Fund is a major shareowner in 11 of the 20 companies responsible for the biggest emissions the last 50 years.

“For us and future generations” is the Oil Fund’s slogan. The Fund has given us economic safety for a long time. But the investments of the Pension Fund in companies who are partaking in heating up the earth and destroy nature will make the future unsafe for all of us.

The nations of the world must implement considerable changes in their use of energy, warns UN’s climate panel, to stand a chance of avoiding catastrophic global warming. The Oil Fund’s continued support of coal mining, coal power plants and investments in the oil and gas sector is violating this conclusion.

Extinction Rebellion Norway want the Oil Fund out of all investments that contribute to more climate emissions. The Oil Fund must become green. We give the Oil Fund green light to change its investment plan.

Wednesday March 4th Extinction Rebellion Norway arrange a demonstration march from the Tiger in front of Jernbanetorget to Bankplassen in front of Norges bank. We will literally give the Oil Fund the green light. Wear something green and meet up with us at Jernbanetorget Wednesday 4th of March at 18:00 .

Last call

We want everyone who consider being a part of future actions to join non-violent direct-action training (IVDA in Norwegian).

In the course of the training you will get the opportunity to reflect upon different situations, how you would react and what kind of choices you wish to make.

The training will be held at Greenhouse Sunday February 23rd, 10:00-19:00 . Food will be served in the breaks.

Register to join within February 16th!

Contact: XRN-NVDA@extinctionrebellion.no

Greetings from the field

In the newsletters for XR Oslo we give you a series of interviews with the people who make up the local group. In this column you will get to know the faces behind the workgroups of XR Oslo, read about what drives them and gain insight in how they work.

Nikolai Tangnes works as a media analyst and consultant in a media company in Oslo. He became active in XR in late February 2019. For a long time, climate and environment was something that did not affect Nikolai much. This changed in the dry summer of 2018.

- Suddenly I saw the consequences of a warmer world. My worries about the climate grew and I felt I could do very little myself. Before I found XR I was actively searching for somewhere to us my commitment, but had a hard time finding an organization I could do a lot at once. XR was the recue for me.

Nikolai is a part of the Media og budskap (media and message) group in XR Oslo. Activism and the wish for change is channelled through communication work: How to lift XR into the public consciousness?

- Media og budskap does an important job with social media, photography and filming of actions, text work and newsletters. The media group is supporting all other activity in XR and make sure that what happens in the movement is being conveyed both within the group and to others, says Nikolai.

The expectations for the coming rebellion year are great.

- I will do mine to make sure that 2020 will be the year of climate. In 2020 I hope that XR will get a bigger place in mainstream media, and that the organization will make waves in social media with knowledge and involvement, and of course with striking actions and demonstrations.

- Why have you chosen XR as your arena for your environmental activism?

- I believe that an active and committed populace is the key to implement the necessary extensive changes to our society. The challenges we face is so dire that a total remodelling of how we live are required. We must change the way we relate to nature. For these changes to happen in a good way, democratic processes and enlightened citizens are required, he says.

Overview of the week

Here is the overview of this week’s activities on Greenhouse, where we have our offices and meeting rooms. The address is: Schweigaards gate 34C .

Tuesday February 11th

16:00-20:00: Lantern workshop (room: Jungelen, 5th floor)

We are making green lanterns for the large upcoming action where we will give Norway’s bank and finance sector the green light for green investments. Bring: yourself, green paper, glue and clean, empty jam jars. Contact: AksjonsmateriellOslo@extinctionrebellion.no

Wednesday February 12th

16:00-17:00: Rebell kafé (room: Bruket, 1st floor)

Here you can come to chill out after a long, hectic workday. If you are new in XR or are considering joining we will assist you and answer questions about who we are, what we do and how you can become active in the Oslo-group. Contact: FellesskapOslo@extinctionrebellion.no

17:00-19:00: Action group meeting (room: Jungelen, 5th floor)

GAM (yellow actions and demonstrations) have not been working optimally lately, mainly because we don’t have enough participants. This is why we invite everyone interested in planning and/or doing actions to join this meeting. We need many people to participate in different degrees. Meet up and we will find a way for you to participate as much as you can/want to!

17:00-19:00: Open working space (room: Hesten, 6th floor)

In the open working space, you can come work if you think it’s nicer to work with XR-stuff with others. Bring your own project or join a group. Regenerative culture and the action group is arranging. Contact: FellesskapOslo@extinctionrebellion.no

17:00-19:00: Discobediance (room: Hesten, 6th floor)

We invite you to a dance workshop where we will learn discobediance – a fun way to show our commitment and celebrate life. Wear your favourite outfit, whether it is sequins, colourful clothing or a wig. Get ready for a groovy night! Contact: RegenerativKulturOslo@extinctionrebellion.no

19:30-21:00: Choir practice (room: Hesten, 6th floor)

Come sing with us! You do not need any previous experience, only joy for singing. The choir is for being cantors at actions. But we also sing some more advanced songs and enjoy ourselves a lot! Contact: ArtivismeOslo@extinctionrebellion.no

Fredag 14. februar

12:00-14:00: XR UiO-action at Blindern (meet up at Fredrikkeplassen, University of Oslo)

XR UiO does another action at Blindern! The last initiative was a success, so we strike while the iron is hot. The action is held the same day as the University board is passing the long term plan. Everyone is welcome, XR UiO hope many people will show up!

Saturday February 15th

13:00-16:00: Red rebels workshop (room: Hesten, 6th floor)

Join a workshop in Red Rebels way of thinking and philosophy. We will first talk about the background of the Rebels and their philosophy. We will then do some movement- and breathing exercises and group work that will prepare us for actions.

Newsletter in English

The newsletter for XR Oslo will from now on also be published in English.

This way our English speaking rebels will be able to keep up with protest events and all of the other brilliant stuff going on in our different groups.

You will find the translation every week at the news section of extinctionrebellion.no .

We want suggestions from activists

Regenerativ kultur Oslo are making a training program for XR-members in action support, as preparation for the Oslo rebellion.

We want to make the training program with basis in the activist’s actual needs. This is why we need to talk to the people who have participated in actions.

What do you need from action support? What have you appreciated during previous actions and what did you miss?

Our goal is that everyone who participated in the Oslo rebellion will feel safe and taken care of – how can we achieve that?

Write your tips in the Base or send an email to RegenerativKulturOslo@extinctionrebellion.no

Do you want an active role in XRN?

You can join Extinction Rebellion Norway on our website after which you will be contacted by us. We are facing high demand and only have a small group of volunteers to onboard new members, so it may take some time to process your registration.

As an active member of Extinction Rebellion you will receive the opportunity to make a difference which will be noticed. On our internal members forum, the Base, you will be able to find an overview of tasks one can work on. All such 'job postings' are published on the Base under the category NAV rebellion.

Suggestions for the newsletter?

Send pictures and suggestions to MediaOslo@extinctionrebellion.no

In order to pay the rent at Greenhouse, XR Oslo is dependent of economic support from its members!

Do you want to support XR Oslo? Account number: 12546307415 | Vipps: 585136
