Newsletter #13 XR Oslo

Financial help.

Election of coordinator for the local groups.

Get to know Eskil from Felleskap Oslo.

The rebellion is happening because of you

We cannot say this often enough: Thank you! Extinction Rebellion would have been nothing without its fantastic members.

The surplus money has gradually been eaten up by the expense for renting Greenhouse. Right we get 3500 kr in monthly donations for XR Oslo’s account. Greenhouse has many meeting rooms, which lets us keep up the activity in the local group. But the rent is at 6250 kr.

We lack 2750 kroner per month! Would you like to chip in? If you are already donating a monthly sum – would it be possible to increase the sum a little?

Regular, monthly donations is important because they let us plan for the future and give XR Oslo a stable economic foundation which we can build the future rebellion on.

Account number: 12546307415 | Vipps: 585136

Election of coordinator for the local groups

The coordinator for the local groups will work for a good flow of information between the different work groups in XR Oslo. Who do you think should fill this role?

The internal and external coordinator for the Oslo group is an important job. It is therefore crucial that as many people as possible show up, for the election to be a good process.

We will also ask everyone who shows up to join a workgroup. It is still possible to get more involved!

The election is held at Greenhouse wednesday February 19th 17:00-19:00 !

Greetings from the field

In the newsletters for XR Oslo we give you a series of interviews with the people who make up the local group. In this column you will get to know the faces behind the workgroups of XR Oslo, read about what drives them and gain insight in how they work.

Eskil Roll-Hansen joined XR in the spring 2019. In addition to his climate activism he is doing a bachelor’s degree in history of ideas and literature at the University of Oslo.

- It is a very exiting subject! I love literature, music and traveling. When I was 19 I moved to China and stayed in Asia for 2 years. In the future I want to go on long travels again, says Eskil.

Eskil is functioning as an internal coordinator in the Felleskap-group (community group), he is involved in XR UiO and has even recently become a IVDA-trainer.

- I, and many others, hope, believe and is ready to work hard to make XR Oslo grow a lot in 2020. My focus now is to make it easier for people to join the movement and get into activity. It is not as easy as it should be for new members to join a work group if they want to. Many people want to contribute, and we have a lot of things that needs to be done, but at the same time we haven’t managed to involve everyone who wants to contribute. This needs to change!

Eskil urges members who wants to be more active in the climate fight to contact XR on email or meet up on Greenhouse on a Wednesday.

A central aspect of Extinction Rebellion’s strategy is escalation. That we get more members and have bigger and more actions. To achieve this, we need to be well organized and handle new members in a good way, he says.

- Why have you chosen XR as your arena for your environmental activism?

- I really believe in direct action, civil disobedience and mass mobilization. XR is a movement that isn’t paralysed by bureaucracy and conventionalism, which is crucial in the emergency we are in right now. Our escalating rebellion will keep on mobilizing more and more people, until the government no longer can avoid listening to us. XR is an international banner with a wide appeal, which is also crucial. We all need to pull the same rope, not ten ropes at the same time, as the environmental movement have had a habit of doing, says Eskil.

Overview of the week

Here is the overview of this week’s activities on Greenhouse, where we have our offices and meeting rooms. The address is: Schweigaards gate 34C .

Wednesday February 19th

16:00-17:00: Rebel café (room: Bruket, 1st floor)

Here you can come to chill out after a long, hectic workday. If you are new in XR or are considering joining we will assist you and answer questions about who we are, what we do and how you can become active in the Oslo-group. Contact:

17:00-19:00: Coordinator election (room: Høna, 3rd floor)

Meet up for a holocratic election of internal and external coordinator for XR Oslo. Everyone to Greenhouse! Contact:

Newsletter in English

The newsletter for XR Oslo will from now on also be published in English.

This way our English speaking rebels will be able to keep up with protest events and all of the other brilliant stuff going on in our different groups.

You will find the translation every week at the news section of .

We want suggestions from activists

Regenerativ kultur Oslo are making a training program for XR-members in action support, as preparation for the Oslo rebellion.

We want to make the training program with basis in the activist’s actual needs. This is why we need to talk to the people who have participated in actions.

What do you need from action support? What have you appreciated during previous actions and what did you miss?

Our goal is that everyone who participated in the Oslo rebellion will feel safe and taken care of – how can we achieve that?

Write your tips in thei Base or send an email to:

Ønsker du å bli aktiv i XRN?

Du kan melde deg inn i Extinction Rebellion Norge på våre nettsider , og du vil da bli kontaktet av oss. Vi har stor pågang og en liten gruppe frivillige som behandler nye medlemsforespørsler, så det kan ta litt tid å behandle din innmelding.

Som aktiv i Extinction Rebellion får du mulighet til å gjøre en forskjell som vil merkes. På vårt interne medlemsforum, Basen, kan du finne en oversikt oppgaver man kan engasjere seg i. Alle slike 'jobbannonser' er lansert på Basen under kategorien som heter NAV Rebellion.

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For å kunne betale husleia i Greenhouse, er XR Oslo avhengig av økonomisk støtte fra sine medlemmer!

Ønsker du å støtte XR Oslo? Kontonummer: 12546307415 | Vipps: 585136