Newsletter #14 XR Oslo

New internal coordinator for XR Oslo.

The rebellion goes cross-country skiing.

New internal coordinator for XR Oslo.

Last Wednesday Eskil-Roll Hansen was elected new internal coordinator for XR Oslo.

Eskil takes over after Jesper Lagerman, who has done exceptional work for the local group.

- I have big shoes to fill after Jesper, but I’m looking forward to the new challenges, says Eskil after Wednesday’s election.

The coordinator for the local groups will work for a good flow of information between the different work groups in XR Oslo and is therefore an essential role.

- I want to work closely with all the work groups, so everyone knows what the others are doing. This will make it easier for us to pull in the same direction. Poor interaction and communication are bad for motivation, something we must avoid. We have grown a lot, and I believe many people feel that we can have better communication in the organization. In 2020 it is more important than ever that we keep up our joy and activism. This is why it is really important for me as internal coordinator to do what I must to improve the interaction and communication in the Oslo group. I want to make sure it becomes easier to be a part Extinction Rebellion, says Eskil.

The process, which happened at Greenhouse, was a so-called holocratic election. One of XR’s main principles is that we want to reduce the concentration of power, and holocratic elections is a way to do just that. If XR as a movement is to work in a self-organizing way, we need other methods than the traditional ways.

At this blog you can read more about holocratic elections.

Cross-country ski rebellion

Do you also think this snow-less winter is sad? Mark the calendar for two upcoming ski-actions!

Saturday March 7th, 12:00-14:00 there will be a cross-country ski trip through Oslo for climate action! At the end of a sad skiing season Extinction Rebellion will go out on a skiing trip for climate action.

We have some 10-20 pairs of skis, so just wear your skiing outfit and skiing shoes and meet up at Vinkelplassen at Majorstua . Facebook-event here .

Sunday March 8th The traditional cross country race “Femmila” is being held at Holmenkollen. Extinction Rebellion will be there with banners, flags and songs to liven up the race. The TV-coverage of the race is the perfect opportunity to get out our message to the Norwegian people. We leave together from Greenhouse 08:00. Facebook-event here .

Overview of the week

Here is the overview of this week’s activities on Greenhouse, where we have our offices and meeting rooms. The address is: Schweigaards gate 34C .

Tuesday January 25th

17:00-19:00: Action material (room: Hesten, 6th floor)

We have planned more actions in the time to come, and we need as many hands as possible to paint banners and make effects for the actions. Meet up if you want to make sure our actions will be pulled through in real Extinction Rebellion style!

Wednesday February 25th

Kl. 16:00-17:00: Rebel café (room: Bruket, 1st floor)

Here you can come to chill out after a long, hectic workday. If you are new in XR or are considering joining we will assist you and answer questions about who we are, what we do and how you can become active in the Oslo-group. Contact:

17:00-19:00: Discobedience practice (room: Hesten, 6th floor)

The group is doing the final beat adjustments before the first outdoor training 1st of March.

19:30-21:00: Choir practice (room: Hesten, 6th floor)

Come sing with us! You do not need any previous experience, only joy for singing. The choir is for being cantors at actions. But we also sing some more advanced songs and enjoy ourselves a lot! Contact:

Søndag March 1st

13:00-16-00: Discobedience practice action (Monolitten, Frognerparken)

Bring everyone you know to dance practice to discobedience – we will create an electric disco mood! We will meet in front of the monolith at 13:00 and practice the epic discobedience dance.

Newsletter in English

The newsletter for XR Oslo will from now on also be published in English.

This way our English speaking rebels will be able to keep up with protest events and all of the other brilliant stuff going on in our different groups.

You will find the translation every week at the news section of .

Ønsker du å bli aktiv i XRN?

Du kan melde deg inn i Extinction Rebellion Norge på våre nettsider , og du vil da bli kontaktet av oss. Vi har stor pågang og en liten gruppe frivillige som behandler nye medlemsforespørsler, så det kan ta litt tid å behandle din innmelding.

Som aktiv i Extinction Rebellion får du mulighet til å gjøre en forskjell som vil merkes. På vårt interne medlemsforum, Basen, kan du finne en oversikt oppgaver man kan engasjere seg i. Alle slike 'jobbannonser' er lansert på Basen under kategorien som heter NAV Rebellion.

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For å kunne betale husleia i Greenhouse, er XR Oslo avhengig av økonomisk støtte fra sine medlemmer!

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