Newsletter #15 XR Oslo

We have a lot going on this week: We are giving the Norwegian Oil Fund green light for new investments. And the snow-less winter will be the background for our demands to the government, through two skiing actions!

XR starts a major action against the Oil Fund

“For us and future generations” is the Oil Fund’s slogan. This is a paradox when the Oil Fund invests in a way that will have seriously negative consequences for tomorrow’s pensioners.

Today the Oil Fund is a major shareholder in companies that are actively contributing to global warming. Shell and Exxon Mobil are both examples of how the administers of our Fund are making bad climate investments. Both companies are continuing to transfer major amounts into projects that will make the Paris-agreement impossible to reach. At the same time the companies are lobbying against emission-reducing measures.

Just as the Oil Fund have ruled out tobacco producers and companies who are making money on production of nuclear weapons, the companies who are heating up the globe and creating a crisis for the ecosystems of the earth need to ruled out of the Fund’s investments. This means that all companies within the oil and gas sector, companies who are invested in coal or are planning new coal plants, companies who are participating in the destruction of rainforests and are trading with resources from deforestation.

XR wants the Oil Fund out of all investments that are contributing to more climate gas emissions. The Oil Fund needs to go green. We are giving the Oil Fund green light to change its investment plans!

Wednesday March 4th 18:00 Extinction Rebellion Norway are arranging a demonstration march from the Tiger in front of Jernbanetorget to Bankplassen in front of Norges bank. We will literally give the Oil Fund the green light.

Wear, or bring, something green and meet up! If you have a green light or lantern of any kind, bring it! We will also bring several green lanterns. We have planned a fun and exciting program.

When “klister” is not enough

This weekend we will have a double cross-country skiing action!

Saturday March 7th, 12:00-14:00 there will be a cross-country ski trip through Oslo for climate action! At the end of a sad skiing season Extinction Rebellion will go out on a skiing trip to demand climate action.

We have some 10-20 pairs of skis, so just wear your skiing outfit and skiing shoes and meet up at Jernbanetorget . We will go up Karl Johans street and as far as we get up to Majorstua. Facebook-event here .

Sunday March 8th he traditional cross-country race “Femmila” is being held at Holmenkollen. Extinction Rebellion will be there with banners, flags and songs to liven up the race. The TV-coverage of the race is the perfect opportunity to get out our message to the Norwegian people. We leave together from Greenhouse kl. 08:00. Facebook-event here .

Overview of the week

Here is the overview of this week’s activities on Greenhouse, where we have our offices and meeting rooms. The address is: Schweigaards gate 34C .

Tuesday March 3rd

17:00-20:00: Action material (room: Høna, 3rd floor)

The action material group invites EVERYONE to workshop. We will make banners, posters and flags for coming actions. Awareness around the rebellion’s visual expression is important to make the message visible, striking and recognizable!

Wednesday March 4th

16:00-17:00: Rebel Café (room: Bruket, 1st floor)

Here you can come to chill out after a long, hectic workday. If you are new in XR or are considering joining we will assist you and answer questions about who we are, what we do and how you can become active in the Oslo-group. Contact:

18:00-20:00: Green light for green investments (Meetup: Jernbanetorget)

Demonstration march to Norges Bank from Jernbanetorget, meetup by the Tiger. The action is held on a Wednesday so more people can participate. We will of course have as many people as possible with us. Debrief at Greenhouse after the action.

Saturday March 7th

12:00-16:00: Red rebel action- CANCELLED

We will rather stand together in the skiing action than spread our resources. The Red rebel action is moved to Saturday March 28th 12:00-16:00. Keep the date! The program is coming!

13:00-16-00: Cross-country skiing trip through Oslo for the climate (Meetup: Jernbanetorget)

Join XR for a skiing trip through the city! We have collected skis that would otherwise be thrown away if you need to borrow. Bring your skiing outfit, or join us by foot or as an onlooker. This will be fun!

Sundat March 8th

08:00-15:00: XR på Femmila (we leave from Greenhouse)

Extinction Rebellion on Femmila. We will leave early for Holmenkollen to stand in the grass next to the tracks with our banners and flags. Femmila will be sent on TV across Europe. This will be a good way for us to spread our message!

Newsletter in English

The newsletter for XR Oslo will from now on also be published in English.

This way our English speaking rebels will be able to keep up with protest events and all of the other brilliant stuff going on in our different groups.

You will find the translation every week at the news section of .

Still free places

Our advanced class in non-violent communication have already started. But there has been an opening for more of our members to get a place on the course.

The course is held by Anniken Poulsen Beer and Elsa-Britt Enger from the organization IVK in Norway. There are four remaining course days: Monday March 30th, Mondat April 20th, Monday May 18th og Mondat June 15th .

This is a golden opportunity deepen your skills in contact seeking, empathic and compassionate communication.

To join, send an email to:

Ønsker du å bli aktiv i XRN?

Du kan melde deg inn i Extinction Rebellion Norge på våre nettsider , og du vil da bli kontaktet av oss. Vi har stor pågang og en liten gruppe frivillige som behandler nye medlemsforespørsler, så det kan ta litt tid å behandle din innmelding.

Som aktiv i Extinction Rebellion får du mulighet til å gjøre en forskjell som vil merkes. På vårt interne medlemsforum, Basen, kan du finne en oversikt oppgaver man kan engasjere seg i. Alle slike 'jobbannonser' er lansert på Basen under kategorien som heter NAV Rebellion.

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