Newsletter #16 XR Oslo

This week XR has been a visible part of the streets of Oslo. Read the reports from the action in front of Norges bank and the cross-country ski trip on Saturday, which led to three arrests.

Fantastic achievements despite bad snow conditions

On Saturday XRs cross-country skiing action through the streets of Oslo went off. Katrina S. N. reports from the eventful ski tour.

We gathered around the tiger in front of Østbanehallen. Many people had skis on, some served coffee and homemade vegan banana bread. People stood in a circle, chatted and laughed.

The riding police lined up and we unfolded the big banner: «Planeten koker, politikerne loker» (The planet is boiling, the politicians are fooling around). We had many funny homemade signs hanging around our necks and backpacks: «Klæbo arbeidsløs 2025» (Klæbo unemployed 2025) and «Stop dreaming of a white Christmas», to mention a few.

We went up Karl Johan till we got to Universitetsplassen. We did a die-in by Universitetsplassen. Anders held a very good appeal about Norway’s special responsibility as a nation because of our enormous income from oil. Afterwards we sang some rebel songs from our song book. Then we went further towards Bogstadveien.

When we stood in the crossroad by the end of Bogstadveien and the start of Hegdehaugsveien all the rebels went out in the street and followed the road where the cars drove up to Majorstua. We thereby blocked the road. All the time we sang songs and shouted rallying cries. Music like Joachim Nielsen’s «Her kommer vinteren» (Here comes the winter) was played from a speaker hidden in a backpack.

When we arrived at Majorstua three activists laid down to be arrested. The whole arrest took place without any drama, and the three were carried away to cheers from the crowd.

Civil disobedience is an important tool for XR. In this way we signalize how important the climate cause is, when completely normal citizens are willing to go to prison. The arrests also give us media attention, which again gives the cause more attention. The action in Bogstadveien gave us headlines on the front pages of most of the online papers on Sunday.

However, civil disobedience also has economic consequences. The three rebels who got arrested, got a fine on 13 000 kr. each. The rebels are students and are therefore hoping for financial support.

Do you have the means to help the fined activists? XR have a dedicated fine fund.

Bank account: 1254 63 04017 | Vipps: 569161

Shed light on the Oil Fund

A little under a 100 people met up for Wednesday’s demonstration rally up Karl Johan and blocked Kirkegata in front of Norges bank.

If you count the attendance, the sound of SambAttac , the massive picture projected on the front of Norges bank by ProjektorPøblene , the appeals, and the show Discobediance pulled off, the action was nothing but a success!

Katrine Wegge lead the rallying cries and held the first out of three appeals, where it was given green lights for green investments for the Oil Fund.

- I was so happy all the way! It was great to see so many familiar faces, and strangers as well, meet up. The fact that we had so many green things made the picture whole, everything from lanterns to patches, flags and banners. And the projector light when we got to the bank! It was awesome, she says.

The action was an open mass gathering in the form of a demonstration rally, songs and posters, in combination with a more red aspect, where some of the activists stopped traffic and hung up posters on the bank.

- It seemed to me like this form of action is well suited to mobilize more people. You can do perfectly safe and cosy things like sing and dance and just attend, or you can risk arrest. It is important with actions that have room for both, says Kathrine.

ABC Nyheter made an extensive article about the action.

Members wanted for new workgroup

To become a large movement, it is necessary to work with decentralization. We must find out how XR Oslo can improve:

- Clear responsibility areas
- Good information flow between work groups
- Good meeting structure

Earlier this work has been given a role, now it’s time we establish a specific work group! Do you like cooperation and organization? Send and email to:

Overview of the week

Here is the overview of this week’s activities on Greenhouse, where we have our offices and meeting rooms. The address is: Schweigaards gate 34C .

Tuesday March 10th

17:00-19:00: Action material (room: Høna, 3rd floor)

XR UiO have started collaboration with Fremtiden i våre hender, and Spire. Representatives from the student groups wil come to make banners together for the student strike. We are looking forward to work together!

Wednesday March 11th

16:00-17:00: Rebel café (room: Bruket, 1st floor)

Here you can come to chill out after a long, hectic workday. If you are new in XR or are considering joining we will assist you and answer questions about who we are, what we do and how you can become active in the Oslo-group.

17:00-19:00: Welcoming meeting (room: Høna, 3rd floor)

Are you curious on Extinction Rebellion? Do you wonder how you can contribute actively? If you want to get to know the organization and find your place: Every Wednesday forward, we will have a welcoming meeting for new members! If you like, arrive a bit early and meet us at the Rebel Café on the first floor!

17:00-17:15: Common meeting (room: Fellesareal, 6th floor)

We will shortly inform about the action against Equinor in May. For this action we need to mobilize people from the entire country. It is important to meet on time!

17:15-18:30: Brainstorming (room: Fellesareal, 6th floor)

Last week we got out in the streets and parks to action. Let’s plan new actions together! Wednesday after the common meeting you are welcome to plan future actions and demonstrations with us!

17:15-18:30: Mask workshop (room: Hesten, 6th floor)

Join Artivisme Oslo for a mask workshop! We will make salmon masks for the salmon action in Bergen!

18:30-19:00: Discobedience practice (room: Fellesareal, 6th floor)

Thank you everyone who met up for the practice action in Frognerparken and the action on Wednesday – we had a great vibe and lovely discomoves! For those who wants to practice more, we will meet on Wednesday to go through the dance. We also need more people for the work group – is it you? Meet up on Wednesday or send an email to:

19:30-21:00: Choir practice (room: Hesten, 6th floor)

Come sing with us! You don’t need any previous experience, only joy for singing. The choir is for being cantors at actions. But we also sing some more advanced songs and enjoy ourselves a lot!

Volunteers for the student strike wanted!

20th of March the students of Oslo will have a major strike. In that occasion we need volunteers to help during the event.

You do not need to be a student to help or join us. The more XR’s the better!

Join !

Kan du hjelpe XR med sosiale medier?

Vi trenger flere i gruppa som jobber med SoMe!

Det er viktig at vi jobber mer systematisk med å promotere eventene, bildene og videoene våre i sosiale medier både i forkant og etterkant av aksjoner. Om du vil bidra er det supert, enten du har mye erfaring eller ikke. Send e-post til .

Ønsker du å bli aktiv i XRN?

Du kan melde deg inn i Extinction Rebellion Norge på våre nettsider , og du vil da bli kontaktet av oss. Vi har stor pågang og en liten gruppe frivillige som behandler nye medlemsforespørsler, så det kan ta litt tid å behandle din innmelding.

Som aktiv i Extinction Rebellion får du mulighet til å gjøre en forskjell som vil merkes. På vårt interne medlemsforum, Basen, kan du finne en oversikt oppgaver man kan engasjere seg i. Alle slike 'jobbannonser' er lansert på Basen under kategorien som heter NAV Rebellion.

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For å kunne betale husleia i Greenhouse, er XR Oslo avhengig av økonomisk støtte fra sine medlemmer!

Ønsker du å støtte XR Oslo? Kontonummer: 12546307415 | Vipps: 585136