Newsletter #25 from Extinction Rebellion Oslo

The Rebellion is on the move again! Join the action for securing a Green Recovery or Restart, or join the first physical meeting after lock-down, or one of the other activities within XR, listed further down in this week's newsletter.

Green restart now

The Revised National Budget should facilitate a Green Restart! We will have an action outside of Stortinget on Monday 11May at 11.55 a.m.

On Tuesday May 12th the government will submit the proposed Revised National Budget for 2020. XR Oslo will be on the offensive and beat the proposal by surrounding Stortinget with posters and banners.

Our demands:

- Green crisis package now
- Enough support for the oil industry. Increase taxes on resource extraction
- Strengthen sustainable Norwegian agriculture
- Retraining offers for exits from oil and gas industry
- Strict emissions criteria for financial crisis support
- Save Earth, not polluters

To join, meet up Monday at 11 in the park outside Bykuben in Myntgata 2.

Send an email to for any questions.

Infection control rules will be respected both during planning and event.

Rebels meet again, face to face!

Finally, now we are able to invite to XR Oslo’s first physical joint meeting after close-down!

Wednesday 13May at 5 p.m. there is a joint meeting at Greenhouse. According to regulations from Directorate of Health, it is now possible for up to 50 people to gather, with a social distancing of one meter, providing there is a responsible organizer in charge of infection control rules.

After XR Oslo’s start-up in 2019, the main focus at these meetings has been on planning and brain/storming. We wish to start this new chapter while strengthening feeling of community and getting to knowing each other better. Taking into account all we have been through since beginning of March, we believe prioritizing this is important. A revitalized community will be a good base for further cooperation towards actions and activities in XR Oslo.

Also, this will be an opportunity to start planning actions in relation to the governments “Green Crisis Package” that is to be discussed in Stortinget towards the end of May.

Those who need or wish to stay in physical isolation can join via Zoom, in which case you alert .

Do not demolish the Y-block!

Saturday night, XR Oslo protested together with “Støtteaksjonen for Y-blokka”.

We want the authorities to preserve the Y-block, as opposed to ‘use and dispose of’-philosophy. Oslo should not be developed in a manner as if there were no end to world resources.

Re-use and energy proofing of buildings is more climate friendly than demolition and building anew, this according to the new Cultural Environment Report made by Statsbygg.

Re-use and upgrading the existing buildings is, according to IPCC, a vital element in climate solutions.

Is demolition of the Y-block then, not a paradox, with all the artistic and architectural qualities it harbors, and what it symbolizes for our democracy?

Weekly overview

Catch up on what’s happening in the week to come, whether on Zoom or Greenhouse in Schweigaards gate 34C! If you are a Base-user finding it hard to navigate, there has now been created a help-site .

Monday May 11th

11:55-13:00: Action (Stortinget)

We surround Stortinget - for a green restart! People stand with banners and posters at 1 meter's distance along Karl Johans Gate, Løvebakken and arount the other side. Questions:

Tuesday May 12th

12:00-13:00: Lunch meeting (Zoom)

Come along and eat your lunch, or just come to talk. No need to be punctual, you can join any time. Well speak loosely and regularly, occasionally about a topic in particular. The lunch meetup is very non-commital and informal. Conversation is shaped by those who join. Zoom-link .

17:30-19:00: Non-violent action Film Club (Zoom)

We will be watching an episode from the documentary A Force More Powerful. Sign up now !

Wednesday May 13th

17:00-19:00: Joint meeting (Greenhouse)

XR Oslo's first face-to-face meeting after the shutdown. Those who need to continue their isolation can join through Zoom - please notify .

Thursday May 14th

12:00-13:00: Informal lunch at Zoom.

Zoom-link .

Ny film i XRs ikkevoldsfilmklubb

Vi har gleden av å ønske velkommen til andre kvelden i XRs ikkevoldsfilmklubb, tirsdag 12. mai klokka 17:30-19:00!

Først viser vi en dokumentarfilm fra serien A Force More Powerful . Episoden tar oss med til USA på 1960-tallet, der Gandhis ikkevoldelige arsenal ble brukt av svarte studenter i Nashville, Tennessee. Disiplinerte og fullstendig ikkevoldelige, lyktes studentene i løpet av fem måneder med å desegregere lunsjkantinene sentralt i Nashville, og bli en modell for hele borgerrettighetsbevegelsen.

Etter filmen vil Trond K. Botnen ha en kort presentasjon (10-15 min) om hva vi kan lære av filmen når det kommer til strategisk ikkevoldsmotstand. Deretter vil det bli tre kvarters diskusjon i grupper og plenum om hvordan vi kan bruke dette i XR Norge.

Det hele vil finne sted på Zoom. Meld deg på! Der kan du også melde deg på de andre kommende filmkveldene.

Want to be active in XRN?

Sign up for Extinction Rebellion Norway on our website , and you will be contacted. To prosess new memberships, we have a small group of volunteers, and the workload will sometimes mean there is some waiting time.

As an active Extinction Rebellion member, you will have the opportunity to make a noticeable difference. Our internal forum for members, the Base, provides an overview of possible tasks to engage in. These “job-adverts” are cathegorized under ‘NAV Rebellion’.

Do you have material for The Newsletter ?

Mail your photos and text to

In order to pay our rent at Greenhouse, we in XR Oslo depend on gifts of money from our members. Anything you can give will be appreciated!

Ønsker du å støtte XR Oslo? Account number: 12546307415 | Vipps: 585136